Welcome to Quantum:
Trade all you can for 14 days

Terms and Conditions

You can gain the upper hand by “defying” the rules of trade for two weeks with our Quantum Account!

Keep your positions open and trade whenever you want to get the most exposure possible for your package type. Move any potential gains to your primary account at the end of your Quantum adventure!

Which Quantum package is best for you?



$25,000 Exposure
$1,000 Cost

Learn about Quantum with our starter trading package.

✓ 14 days
✓ Trading Power 1:25


$50,000 Exposure
$2,000 Cost

Go further and explore the depths of Quantum.

✓ 14 days
✓ Trading Power 1:25


$75,000 Exposure
$3,000 Cost

Do you want to trade like the champions? Then this Quantum package is for you!

✓ 14 days
✓ Trading Power 1:25


$100,000 Exposure
$4,000 Cost

Become a part of the Quantum Elite club.

✓ 14 days
✓ Trading Power 1:25


$125,000 Exposure
$5,000 Cost

There is no limit to what you can achieve with Quantum VIP! Enjoy the full package!

✓ 14 days
✓ Trading Power 1:25


$200,000 Exposure
$8,000 Cost

Become a Quantum titan and enter the trading world with a bang.

✓ 14 days
✓ Trading Power 1:25


$300,000 Exposure
$10,000 Cost

Are you a trading Mastermind? Show us your craft with $300 000 exposure.

✓ 14 days
✓ Trading Power 1:30


$450,000 Exposure
$15,000 Cost

Those who are about to trade salute you, Conqueror. Congratulations, you’ve reached the top!

✓ 14 days
✓ Trading Power 1:30

Detalhes de Contato

Nome de empresa: VIE FINANCE SEY LTD Endereço da sede: Room B11, First Floor, Providence Complex, Providence, Mahe, Seychelles

Email: info@viefinancesey.com

Suporte ao cliente:

Email de Suporte ao Cliente: customer.service.pt@zenstox.com

Telefone de Suporte ao Cliente: +551142104852

Os serviços são fornecidos por: VIE FINANCE SEY LTD, Room B11, First Floor, Providence Complex, Providence, Mahe, Seychelles

whatsapp icon Numero de WhatsApp: +551142104148

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